Alternator Repairs

What is a Car Alternator?

Your alternator's main purpose is to keep your car’s battery charged, allowing you to start your vehicle and power your vehicle electronics. It uses your car’s drive belt to convert the mechanical energy from the crankshaft into electricity. If your alternator fails and stops charging the battery, you can struggle to keep your car moving. That’s why you should always book an alternator repair as soon as you notice a problem.

When Do I Need to Book an Alternator Repair?

You should book an alternator repair with with Phumeli Mobile Mechanics if you notice any of the following warning signs:

  • Your car is difficult or slow to start
  • You hear a whirring, whining or squealing noise from the engine
  • Your car's interior and exterior lights look dim, blink erratically, gradually fade, suddenly get brighter or don't come on at all
  • Your battery warning light comes on
  • Your speedometer stops working.
  • You can smell rubber burning.
  • Your car fails a multimeter test at a garage.

How Much Does an Alternator Cost in South Africa?

Alternator Repairs cost between R1800 and R12000 in South Africa. The average is between R2700 to R5400 and, while refurbished car alternators are available, they don't offer that much of a saving.

What Causes the Need for a New Alternator?

Your alternator is a very durable component, but you can end up needing a replacement if either of the following happens:

The brush, a component which maintains constant electrical contact with the spinning alternator, becomes worn.
Your voltage regulator fails. This makes sure that the electrical charge is passed to the battery at the correct voltage.

How Long Does an Alternator Replacement Take?

On average, an alternator replacement at Phumeli takes between 1-2 hours. However, this can vary depending on what make and model of vehicle you drive.

How Long Does an Alternator Last?

If you look after your alternator by driving sensibly, it can last 8-12 years without needing any repairs. Book a car service regularly to keep your car in good condition and avoid putting unnecessary stress on your alternator.

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